Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 1


Well, I was able to do my Power 90 aerobics today. Energy-wise, this has been a very good day. I was able to eat relatively healthy today (other than the fact I just couldn't surrender my Snickers bar just yet J ) and I do feel much better in the inside just for the fact that I have not put much junk in it. Probably the hardest challenge that I faced today was the fact that it was hard for me to drink enough water. For good health and circulation, it is recommended to drink eight glasses of water per day, which I probably only drank around four. Hey, it is a beginning anyways. Water is the perfect purifier and helps the toxins in the body move out of the body more easily. Unbelievably, I have inherited bad circulation of the legs. With that in mind, I have made it top priority in my fitness to constantly move my legs and massage them daily for about 4 minutes per day which has been proven successful. However, it is not complete regimen if I do not drink water. So that is my first goal as I do the Power 90 program which is to get into the habit of drinking eight glasses of water per day. Hopefully I shall succeed! Peace! J

In the Beginning…

Well, I am getting started with New Year's Resolution with a bang. For this morning, I did Jillian Michaels 20 minute circuit training and did 20 minutes of flexibility training with Rodman Yee. I figure it is at least a good start. J The goals I want to reach this year are these: to lose the pounds in which I have gained from being injured, increase in muscular strength and develop muscle tone, and increase my energy levels so I can become an excellent fighter in MMA. I shall write later tonight when I do my Power 90 workout. I am excited about this because I truly see this as a moment of true change within my overall health. There is no turning back. Bring it on! J